I'm a bit baffled! I thought I turned off traction control, but it feels like it's still on. I mean, this is an A-Spec RWD, it should be able to spin those tires a little easier!
I went into the Home Screen, then swiped right, and tapped the Traction Control icon. The dash confirmed it was off, but when I mashed the gas, it still felt like it was holding back. That initial hesitation and then the sudden burst of speed... it's clearly still trying to keep things under control.
I'm going to have to do a 0-60 run with my phone's stopwatch and see what kind of time I can actually get.
I went into the Home Screen, then swiped right, and tapped the Traction Control icon. The dash confirmed it was off, but when I mashed the gas, it still felt like it was holding back. That initial hesitation and then the sudden burst of speed... it's clearly still trying to keep things under control.
I'm going to have to do a 0-60 run with my phone's stopwatch and see what kind of time I can actually get.