Saying goodbye to my ZDX

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New Jersey
This morning, I gave my ZDX one last detail before trading it in for a new MDX Type S. I’m looking forward to the MDX, but it’s hard to say goodbye to the ZDX. It’s been a great ride, and I’ll definitely miss it.
I can relate to that feeling...I had a similar experience when I traded in my old car for a new model. It was tough to say goodbye to a car that had been so reliable and enjoyable. The ZDX must have been a great ride for you, but I’m sure the MDX Type S will offer a fresh excitement. Best of luck with the transition, and I hope you love your new vehicle just as much.
The MDX Type S definitely has some big shoes to fill, but it’s looking like it could be a great successor! Can’t wait to see how it turns out. Good luck!
Thanks! I’m excited for the MDX Type S, but definitely going to miss the ZDX. Hoping the new ride lives up.

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